Thomas Maribo
Forskningsleder, ph.d.
+45 2145 2470
- Ledelse af store og mindre forskningsprojekter tværprofessionelt, tværsektorielt og tværvidenskabeligt
- Forskning i folkesundhed og rehabilitering. Jeg har en bred forskningstilgang og fokuserer på praksisbaseret forskning. Forskningsprojekter skal baseres i og kunne bidrage til praksis.
- Beskrivelse af funktionsevne og funktionsevnenedsættelse. Ekspert på ICF-klassifikationen.
- Undervisning i rehabilitering og folkesundhed i praksisfeltet, på universitet og på university college
- Metodeudvikling af komplekse interventioner
- Kvalitetsudviklingsprocesser på det regionale og kommunale sundhedsområde
Publikationsliste nedenfor er publikationer udgivet i DEFACTUM regi.
Du kan se en samlet publikationslist for Thomas Maribo i ORCIDDEFACTUM publikationer
Outdoor experiences and outdoor-based activities and interventions for individuals with spinal cord injury: A systematic scoping review. Anders O. AABY; Samuel D. WILLIAMSON; Louise S. MADSEN; Thomas MARIBO; Sophie L. RAVN. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2025.
Are cardiac rehabilitation pathways influenced by diabetes: A cohort study. Birgitte Bitsch Gadager; Lars Hermann Tang; Patrick Doherty; Marie Louise Svendsen; Kirstine Lærum Sibilitz; Alexander Harrison; Thomas Maribo. National Library of Medicine, 2024.
Bridging Inequity Gaps in Healthcare Systems While Educating Future Healthcare Professionals—The Social Health Bridge-Building Programme. Gitte Valentin; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Anne-Sofie Meldgaard Nielsen; Merete Tonnesen; Kristina Louise Bliksted; Katrine Tranberg Jensen; Karen Ingerslev; Thomas Maribo; Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023.
Seeing the invisible: extracurricular learning processes and learning outcome as experienced by student volunteers accompanying persons in a socially vulnerable situation to healthcare appointments-an ethnographic study. Merete Tonnesen; Gitte Valentin; Thomas Maribo; Anne-Mette Hedeager Momsen. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2023.
Perceived return-to-work pressure following cardiovascular disease is associated with age, sex, and diagnosis: a nationwide combined survey- and register-based cohort study. Sidsel Marie Bernt Jørgensen, Nina Føns Johnsen, Thomas Alexander Gerds, Stig Brøndum, Thomas Maribo, Gunnar Gislason, Maria Kristiansen. 2022.
Goal-Setting in clinical practice: a study of health-care professionals’ perspectives in outpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury. Lisbeth Ørtenblad; Thomas Maribo; Britta Quistgaard; Ellen Madsen; Charlotte Handberg. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2022.
The ambiguity of goal-setting: a study of patients’ perspectives on goal-setting in outpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury. Lisbeth Ørtenblad; Thomas Maribo; Britta Quistgaard; Ellen Madsen; Charlotte Handberg. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2022.
Benefits of cardiac rehabilitation following acute coronary syndrome for patients with and without diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Birgitte Bitsch Gadager; Lars Hermann Tang; Maiken Bay Ravn; Patrick Doherty; Alexander Harrison; Jan Christensen; Rod S. Taylor; Ann-Dorthe Zwisler; Thomas Maribo. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 2022.
To what extent is socioeconomic status associated with not taking up and dropout from cardiac rehabilitation: a population-based follow-up study. Marie Louise Svendsen; Birgitte Bitsch Gadager; Christina M Stapelfeldt; Maiken Bay Ravn; Sanne Møller Palner; Thomas Maribo. BMJ Open, 2022.
Understanding healthcare providers’ experiences with video recording of patient consultations. Charlotte Gjørup Pedersen, Lea Høj Høstrup, Birgitte Bitsch Gadager, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Thomas Maribo, Louise Sofia Madsen. Primary Health Care Research & Development , 2022.
How to Facilitate Adherence to Cardiac Rehabilitation in Primary Health Settings for Ischaemic Heart Disease Patients. The Perspectives of Health Professionals. Maiken Bay Ravn, Maria Uhd, Marie Louise Svendsen, Lisbeth Ørtenblad, Thomas Maribo. Frontiers, 2022.
Why Do Patients With Ischaemic Heart Disease Drop Out From Cardiac Rehabilitation in Primary Health Settings. A Qualitative Audit of Patient Charts. Maiken Bay Ravn, Maria Uhd, Marie Louise Overgaard Svendsen, Lisbeth Ørtenblad, Thomas Maribo. Frontiers, 2022.
Construct Validity and Clinical Utility of World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in Older Patients Discharged From Emergency Departments. Louise Moeldrup Nielsen; Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard; Hans Kirkegaard; Thomas Maribo. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2021.
A Mixed Methods Study of Functioning and Rehabilitation Needs Following COVID-19. Tina Backmann; Thomas Maribo; Ann-Dorthe Zwisler; Jesper Rømhild Davidsen; Nina Rottmann. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2021.
Reliability and minimal detectable change of the Challenge, an advanced motor skills test for children with cerebral palsy, Danish version. Nordbye-Nielsen K; Maribo T; Wright FV; Rahbek O; Møller-Madsen B. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2021.
Reliability and smallest detectable change of the Danish version of the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire in patients with chronic low back pain. Vejlgaard C; Maribo T; Riisgaard LJ; Schmidt AM. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 2021.
Perspektiver på rehabilitering 2021. Nanna Rolving; Lisa Gregersen Østergaard; Dorthe Sørensen; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Thomas Maribo. Fysioterapeuten, 2021.
ICF-Based Assessment of Functioning in Daily Clinical Practice. A Promising Direction Toward Patient-Centred Care in Patients With Low Back Pain. Charlotte Ibsen, Thomas Maribo, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Mogens Hørder and Berit Schiøttz-Christensen. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2021.
The effect of an integrated multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme alternating inpatient interventions with home-based activities for patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Anne Mette Schmidt, Berit Schiøttz-Christensen, Nadine E Foster, Trine Bay Laurberg, Thomas Maribo. Clinical rehabilitation, 2020.
Task-Specific Sensitivity in Physical Function Testing Predicts Outcome in Patients With Low Back Pain. Nûno Trolle, Thomas Maribo, Lone Donbæk Jensen & David Høyrup Christiansen.. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2020.
Identifying elderly patients at risk of readmission after discharge from a short-stay unit in the emergency department using performance-based tests of daily activities. Louise Moeldrup Nielsen, Thomas Maribo, Hans Kirkegaard, Mette Kops Bjerregaard & Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard.. BMC Geriatrics, 2020.
Definition and construct validation of clinically relevant cutoffs on the Flare Assessment in Rheumatoid Arthritis (FLARE-RA) questionnaire. Elena Myasoedova, Annette De Thurah, Marie-Line Erpelding, Emilce E. Schneeberger, Thomas Maribo, Gustavo Citera, John M. Davis, Eric L. Matteson, Cynthia S. Crowson, Bruno Fautrel & Francis Guillemin.. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2020.
The effect on physical performance of a functional assessment and immediate rehabilitation of acutely admitted elderly patients with reduced functional performance: The design of a randomised clinical trial. Inge H Bruun, Thomas Maribo, Birgitte Norgaard, Berit Schiottz-Christensen, Morten G B Jessen & Christian B Mogensen.. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2020.
Efficacy of preoperative progressive resistance training in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: 12-month follow-up data from a randomized controlled trial. Birgit Skoffer, Thomas Maribo, Inger Mechlenburg, Christian Gaarden Korsgaard, Kjeld Søballe & Ulrik Dalgas.. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2020.
Remodeling of the ICF: A commentary. Catherine R. Sykes; Thomas Maribo; Hillegonda A. Stallinga; Yvonne Heerkens. Disability and Health Journal, 2020.
Comparative effectiveness and prognostic factors for outcome of surgical and non-surgical management of lumbar spinal stenosis in an elderly population: protocol for an observational study. Helle Algren Brøgger, Thomas Maribo, Berit Schiøttz-Christensen, Robin Christensen. Bmj Open, 2020.
Experiences with and perspectives on goal setting in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: a systematic review of qualitative studies. Thomas Maribo, Charlotte Maria Jensen, Louise Sofia Madsen & Charlotte Handberg. Spinal cord, 2020.
Effectiveness of the "Elderly Activity Performance Intervention" on elderly patients' discharge from a short-stay unit at the emergency department: a quasi-experimental trial. Louise Moeldrup Nielsen, Thomas Maribo, Hans Kirkegaard, Kirsten Schultz Petersen, Marianne Lisby, og Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard . Clinical interventions in aging, 2019.
A cross-sectional study evaluating potential differences in the need for cancer survivorship care in relation to patients' socioeconomic status. Charlotte Handberg; Marie Louise Overgaard Svendsen; Thomas Maribo. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research (JOCMR), 2019.
“Keep it simple”: Perspectives of patients with low back pain on how to qualify a patient-centred consultation using patient-reported outcomes. Charlotte Ibsen, Berit Schiøttz-Christensen, Thomas Maribo, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Mogens Hørder, Charlotte Handberg . Musculoskeletal Care, 2019.
When a policy decision meets practice realities: The case of cancer survivorship care and rehabilitation needs assessment. Charlotte Handberg; Sally Thorne; Thomas Maribo. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2018.
The Sano study: justification and detailed description of a multidisciplinary biopsychosocial rehabilitation programme in patients with chronic low back pain. Anne Mette Schmidt, Helle Terkildsen Maindal, Trine Bay Laurberg, Berit Schiøttz-Christensen, Charlotte Ibsen, Kirstine Bak Gulstad, Thomas Maribo . Clinical Rehabilitation, 2018.
Wide variation in function level assessment after stroke in Denmark. Thomas Maribo, Jørgen Feldbæk Nielsen, Claus Vinther Nielsen. Danish medical journal, 2018.
Lack of Needs Assessment in Cancer Survivorship Care and Rehabilitation in Hospitals and Primary Care Settings. Charlotte Handberg, Charlotte Maria Jensen, Thomas Maribo. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research (JOCMR), 2017.
Is improved fitness associated with reduced pain intensity in patients with low back pain? Cecilie Rud Budtz, Lene Wulff Krogsgaard, Berit Schiøttz-Christensen and Thomas Maribo. Journal of Spine Care, 2016.
Evaluering af indsatser på senhjerneskade-området i Randers kommune. CFK - Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling, 2015.
Hand-held dynamometry fixated with a tripod is reliable for assessment of back extensor strength in women with osteoporosis. Gitte Valentin; Thomas Maribo. Osteoporos Int. 2014 Aug;25(8):2143-9. , 2014.
Reliability and internal consistency of the Danish version of Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment 2nd Edition (LOTCA-II/D) Lund K, Oestergaard LG, Maribo T. Scand J Occup Ther, 2014.
Evaluering af genoptræning og rehabilitering af personer med erhvervet hjerneskade samt videndeling omkring koordinatorfunktionen. Melchiorsen H; Maribo T. MarselisborgCentret, 2014.
The effect on physical performance of a functional assessment and immediate rehabilitation of acutely admitted elderly patients with reduced functional performance: the design of a randomised clinical trial. Bruun IH, Nørgaard B, Maribo T, Schiøttz-Christensen B, Mogensen CB.. BMJ Open, 2014.
Wearing an active spinal orthosis improves back extensor strength in women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Gitte Hoff Valentin; Louise Nymann Pedersen; Thomas Maribo. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 2013.
- Samarbejde om Praksisnær Rehabiliteringsforskning 2027
- Social lighed i sundhed 2026
- Nature Impact: Naturbaserede sundhedsindsatser til personer med stress, angst eller depression 2026
- Kommunal hjerterehabilitering – en analyse af frafald 2025
- Hjerterehabilitering - Hvad virker bedst? 2025
- Kortlægning af kommunale indsatser målrettet mental trivsel i hjerterehabilitering 2025
- Vidensopsamling om barrierer for deltagelsen i forebyggelses- og rehabiliteringtilbud 2025
- Social og geografisk ulighed i hjerterehabilitering: En landsdækkende undersøgelse på tværs af kommuner og hospitaler 2024
- Social ulighed i hjerterehabilitering og sekundær forebyggelse efter iskæmisk hjertesygdom: et landsdækkende follow-up studie 2024
- Ph.d.-projekt: Hjerterehabilitering til borgere med hjertesygdom og diabetes 2022
- Graviditet og Trivsel 2022
- HEART-projektet
- Kortlægning af viden om multipel sklerose 2020
- Severin - Nationalt forskningsnetværk i rehabilitering 2020
- Vurdering af rehabiliteringsbehov hos patienter med hæmatologisk kræft på hospitaler og i kommuner 2017
- Forskningsprogram Apopleksi - Rehabilitering 2015
- Evaluering af indsatser på senhjerneskade-området i Randers kommune 2015
- Grønbog om naturen som ressource i sundhedsindsatser
Ansættelser og projekterfaring
2021 Professor, Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet
2018 Forskningsleder; Forskning i Folkesundhed, DEFACTUM, Region Midtjylland
2014-2021 Lektor; Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet
2012-2018 Forsker, Center for praksisnær rehabiliteringsforskning, DEFACTUM, Region Midtjylland
2014-2015 Videnskabelig ansvarlig, Danske Fysioterapeuters fagkongres
2012-2014 Forskningsfysioterapeut, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, Aarhus Universitetshospital
2011-2012 Videnskabelig ansvarlig, Danske Fysioterapeuters fagkongres
2011-2014 Ekstern lektor, Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet
2003-2012 Faglig konsulent, Danske Fysioterapeuter
2003-2012 Forskningsansvarlig terapeut, Fysioterapi- og Ergoterapiafdelingen, Aarhus Universitet
2011 Ph.d., det sundhedsvidenskabelige fakultet, med titlen"Postural balance in low back pain patients assessed by the one leg stand test and by centre of pressure excursions on a portable force platform"
2003 Cand.scient.san.
1993 Fysioterapeut
Kurser, konferencer m.m.
2018-2018 Videnskabelig ansvarlig: Danske Fysioterapeuters Fagkongres 2018 (1200 deltagere)
2015-2015 Videnskabelig ansvarlig: Danske Fysioterapeuters Fagkongres 2015 (1350 deltagere)
Undervisning og anden særlig erfaring
2014-2014 Universitetspædagogikum
2012 Supervised 4 Master theses
2012 Supervisor for 3 ph.d.-projekter