
Jeg er overlæge og specialist i klinisk socialmedicin i DEFACTUM, lærestolprofessor i klinisk socialmedicin og rehabilitering ved Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet og professor ved Klinisk Socialmedicin og Rehabilitering, Hospitalsenhed Vest. Jeg har beskæftiget mig med social- og arbejdsmedicinske forhold i mere end 40 år i klinik, administration, undervisning og forskning. Min mission de sidste 20 år har været at bidrage til udvikling af rehabiliteringsfeltet i Danmark med speciel fokus på udsatte og sårbare borgere og grupper, der i kritiske situationer i livet, har vanskeligt ved, på egen hånd, at navigere i offentlige og private hjælpesystemer.


Publikationsliste nedenfor er publikationer udgivet i DEFACTUM regi.

DEFACTUM publikationer

Navigating (un)certainty in "downhill" trajectories. An ethnographic study about rehabilitees' and professionals' experiences with goal-setting in Parkinson's disease rehabilitation. Merete Tonnesen; Claus Vinther Nielsen. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2023.

Moving goals. Goal-work in Parkinson's disease rehabilitation. Merete Tonnesen; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Rikke Sand Andersen. Frontiers, 2022.

What are your goals? Goal-setting logics in Danish Parkinson’s rehabilitation. Merete Tonnesen; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Rikke Sand Andersen. Medical Anthropology, 2022.

Mental Fatigue, Activities of Daily Living, Sick Leave and Functional Status among Patients with Long COVID: A Cross-Sectional Study. Trine Brøns Nielsen; Steffen Leth; Mathilde Pedersen; Helle Dahl Harbo; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Cecilia Hee Laursen; Berit Schiøttz-Christensen; Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022.

Understanding healthcare providers’ experiences with video recording of patient consultations. Charlotte Gjørup Pedersen, Lea Høj Høstrup, Birgitte Bitsch Gadager, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Thomas Maribo, Louise Sofia Madsen. Primary Health Care Research & Development , 2022.

eHealth interventions to facilitate work participation a scoping review. Johnsen TL; Johansen T; Momsen AMH; Tveito TH; Nielsen CV; Varsi C; Øyeflaten I. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 2021.

Perspektiver på rehabilitering 2021. Nanna Rolving; Lisa Gregersen Østergaard; Dorthe Sørensen; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Thomas Maribo. Fysioterapeuten, 2021.

ICF-Based Assessment of Functioning in Daily Clinical Practice. A Promising Direction Toward Patient-Centred Care in Patients With Low Back Pain. Charlotte Ibsen, Thomas Maribo, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Mogens Hørder and Berit Schiøttz-Christensen. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2021.

"To have and then lose the safety net" - Female cancer survivors' experiences of the process of becoming ready to return to work. Petersen KS; Madsen LS; Nielsen CV; Labriola M; Stapelfeldt CM. WORK, 2021.

Videnskabelig artikel: Kort- og langtidseffekten af Læring og Mestring (LC-REHAB) V Lynggaard; A D Zwisler; R S Taylor; O May; J Mortensen; C V Nielsen. Health Education Research, 2021.

Case manager-assisted rehabilitation for lumbar spinal fusion patients: an economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial with two-year follow-up. Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard, Finn Bjarke Christensen, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Cody Eric Bünger, Randi Holm, Peter Helmig og Rikke Søgaard. Clinical rehabilitation, 2020.

Does adding case management to standard rehabilitation affect functional ability, pain, or the rate of return to work after lumbar spinal fusion? A randomized controlled trial with two-year follow-up. Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard, Finn Bjarke Christensen, Cody Eric Bünger, Rikke Søgaard, Randi Holm, Peter Helmig and Claus Vinther Nielsen. Clinical rehabilitation, 2020.

Being with others during physical activity: experiences of well-being among adults with severe obesity. Bente Skovsby Toft, Kathleen Galvin, Claus Vinther Nielsen & Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2020.

Diffuse central sensitization in low back patients: A secondary analysis of cross-sectional data including tender point examination and magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine. Ole Kudsk Jensen, Claus Vinther Nielsen & Kristian Stengaard-Pedersen. Medicine (Baltimore), 2020.

Being active 1½ years after hip fracture: a qualitative interview study of aged adults' experiences of meaningfulness. Birgit Rasmussen, Claus Vinther Nielsen & Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt. BMC Geriatrics, 2020.

Balancing one's mood: experiences of physical activity in adults with severe obesity 18 months after lifestyle intervention. Bente Skovsby Toft, Claus Vinther Nielsen & Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt. Zeitschrift fuer Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitaet im Gesundheitswesen, 2020.

Being active when living within a large body: experiences during lifestyle intervention. Bente Skovsby Toft, Kathleen Galvin, Claus Vinther Nielsen & Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being, 2020.

Effects of the patient education strategy 'Learning and Coping' in cardiac rehabilitation on readmissions and mortality: a randomized controlled trial (LC-REHAB) V. Lynggaard, A. D. Zwisler, R. S. Taylor, O. May & C. V. Nielsen. Health Educ Res, 2020.

Understanding depression as a workplace issue: Clarifying employers' attitudes to manage employees with depression. Cecilie N Thisted, Merete Labriola, Claus V Nielsen, Sasja Jul Håkonsen & Merete B Bjerrum. Work. 2020, 2020.

'Work is a motivator in life' - strategies in managing work participation among highly educated employees with depression. Cecilie Nørby Lyhne, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Sanne Toft Kristiansen & Merete Bjerrum. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 2020.

Educational attainment and work disability in cancer survivors: Do diagnosis and comorbidity affect this association? Christina M. Stapelfeldt, Saskia F. A. Duijts, Trine A. Horsboel, Anne-Mette H. Momsen, Niels T. Andersen, Finn B. Larsen, Karina Friis, Claus V. Nielsen. European journal of cancer care, 2020.

Population differences in health-related quality of life between cancer survivors and controls: Does low educational attainment widen the gap? Finn B. Larsen; Jes Bak Sørensen; Claus V. Nielsen; Anne-Mette H. Momsen; Karina Friis; Christina M. Stapelfeldt. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2020.

Videnskabelig artikel: Effekten af Læring og Mestring målt på genindlæggelse og dødelighed (LC-REHAB) V Lynggaard; A D Zwisler; R S Taylor; O May; C V Nielsen. Health Education Research, 2020.

Navigating a Middle Ground - Exploring Health Professionals’ Experiences and Perceptions of Providing Rehabilitation in Outdoor Community Settings. Louise S. Madsen; Claus V. Nielsen; John L. Oliffe; Charlotte Handberg. Qualitative Health Research, 2020.

Cost–utility analysis of learning and coping versus standard education in cardiac rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial with 3 years of follow-up. Nasrin Tayyari Dehbarez; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen; Bettina Wulff Risør; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Vibeke Lynggaard. Open Heart Journal, 2020.

Medication adherence, biological and lifestyle risk factors in patients with myocardial infarction: a ten-year follow-up on socially differentiated cardiac rehabilitation. Kathrine Hald; Finn Breinholt Larsen; Kirsten Melgaard Nielsen; Lucette Kirsten Meillier; Martin Berg Johansen; Mogens Lytken Larsen; Bo Christensen; Claus Vinther Nielsen. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2019.

Reintegrating Employees Undergoing Cancer Treatment into the Workplace: A Qualitative Study of Employer and Co-worker Perspectives. K. S. Petersen, A. H. Momsen, C. M. Stapelfeldt, C. V. Nielsen . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2019.

“Keep it simple”: Perspectives of patients with low back pain on how to qualify a patient-centred consultation using patient-reported outcomes. Charlotte Ibsen, Berit Schiøttz-Christensen, Thomas Maribo, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Mogens Hørder, Charlotte Handberg . Musculoskeletal Care, 2019.

Social inequality in cancer survivors’ health behaviours - A Danish population-based study. Karina Friis; Finn Breinholt Larsen; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Anne-Mette Hedeager Momsen; Christina Malmose Stapelfeldt. Eur J Cancer Care, 2018.

Expanded cardiac rehabilitation in socially vulnerable patients with myocardial infarction: A 10-year follow-up study focusing on mortality and non-fatal events. Kathrine Hald, Kirsten Meldgaard Nielsen, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Lucette Meillier, Finn Breinholt Larsen, Bo Christensen, Mogens Lytken Larsen. BMJ Open, 2018.

Videnskabelig artikel: Effekten af Læring og Mestring målt på tilbagevenden til arbejde (LC-REHAB) Birgitte Laier Bitsch; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Christina Malmose Stapelfeldt; Vibeke Lynggaard. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 2018.

Effect of the patient education - Learning and coping strategies - in cardiac rehabilitation on return to work at one year: a randomised controlled trial (LC-REHAB) Birgitte Laier Bitsch1, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Christina Malmose Stapelfeldt and Vibeke Lynggaard. BMC Cardiovasc Disord, 2018.

Systematic review of interventions targeting sickness absence among pregnant women in healthcare settings and workplaces. Pernille Pedersen, Merete Labriola, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Rikke Damkjar Maimburg, Ellen Aagaard Nohr, Anne-Mette Momsen . BMJ Open, 2018.

Effectiveness of expanded cardiac rehabilitation in patients diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Anne-Mette Hedeager Momsen, Kathrine Hald, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Mogens Lytken Larsen. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 2017.

Comparing multidisciplinary and brief intervention in employees with different job relations on sick leave due to low back pain: protocol of a randomised controlled trial. Pernille Pedersen, Claus Vinther Nielsen, Morten Hovgaard Andersen, Vivian Langagergaard, Anders Boes, Ole Kudsk Jensen, Chris Jensen, Merete Labriola . BMC Publc Health, 2017.

Employment status five years after a randomised controlled trial comparing multidisciplinary and brief intervention in employees on sick leave due to low back pain. PERNILLE PEDERSEN, CLAUS VINTHER NIELSEN, OLE KUDSK JENSEN, CHRIS JENSEN & MERETE LABRIOLA. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2017.

Videnskabelig artikel: Læring og Mestring øger deltagelsen i hjerterehabilitering (LC-REHAB) Vibeke Lynggaard; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Ann-Dorthe Zwisler; Rod S. Taylor; Ole May . International Journal of Cardiology, 2017.

Are fatigue, depression and anxiety associated with labour market participation among patients diagnosed with haematological malignancies? A prospective study. Horsboel TA, Bultmann U, Nielsen CV, Nielsen B, Andersen NT, de Thurah A. Psychooncology, 2014.

Risk of disability pension for patients diagnosed with haematological malignancies: A register-based cohort study. Horsboel TA, Nielsen CV, Andersen NT, Nielsen B, de Thurah A. Acta Oncologica, 2014.

Type 1 Modic changes was a significant risk factor for 1 year outcome in sick-listed low back pain patients: a nested cohort study using magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine. Jensen OK, Nielsen CV, Sørensen JS, Steengaard-Pedersen. Spine J, 2014.

Attitudes towards sickness absence and sickness presentsism in health and care sectors in Norway and Denmark: a qualitative study. Krane L, Larsen EL, Nielsen CV, Stapelfeldt CM, Johnsen R, Risor MB. BMC Public Health, 2014.

Betwixt and between: workplace perspectives on work reintegration in the eldercare sector in Denmark. Ladekjær Larsen E, Labriola M, Vinther Nielsen C, Schultz Petersen K. Disabil Rehabil, 2014.

Videnskabelig artikel: Studieprotokol for RCT-studie, Læring og Mestring (LC-REHAB) Vibeke Lynggaard; Ole May, Alison Beauchamp; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Inge Wittrup. B M C Cardiovascular Disorders, 2014.

Rehabilitering hos borgere med kræft. Bjarne Rose Hjortbak; Kirsten Vinther-Jensen; Inge Wittrup; Claus Løvschall; Pia Løvschal-Nielsen; Elinborg Thorsteinsson; Susanne Hyldgaard; Hanne Melchiorsen; Claus Vinther Nielsen. Center for Folkesundhed, 2009.

Rehabilitering hos borgere med kræft Sammenfatning fra KOSAK projektet. Bjarne Rose Hjortbak; Kirsten Vinther-Jensen; Inge Wittrup; Claus Løvschall; Pia Løvschal-Nielsen; Elinborg Thorsteinsson; Susanne Hyldgaard; Hanne Melchiorsen; Claus Vinther Nielsen. Center for Folkesundhed, 2009.

Hospitalsbaseret rehabilitering af sygemeldte - beskrivelse af den tværfaglige og tværsektorielle indsats. Pallesen E; Dahl T H; Jensen O K; Christiansen D; Knudsen B; Ruby K; Nielsen C V. Center for Folkesundhed, 2008.

Ansættelser og projekterfaring

2013-2018 Forskningschef, CFK – Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling/DEFACTUM, Region Midtjylland

2012 Konstitueret centerchef

2012 Sektionsleder og professor Sektion for Klinisk Socialmedicin og Rehabilitering, Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet

2009 Forskningsleder Klinisk Socialmedicin og Rehabiliteirng, Center for Folkesundhed, Region Midtjylland

2007 Afdelingsleder MarselisborgCentrets udviklingsfunktion

2006-2007 Faglig leder af MarselisborgCentret udviklingsfunktion

2006 Sektionsleder og klinisk lektor Afdelingen for Klinisk Socialmedicin og Rehabilitering, Institut for Folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet

2004 RegionsRygcenter - forskningsenhed for sygemeldte, ved Regionshospitalet Silkeborg

2003-2007 Souschef i Afdelingen for Folkesundhed

2000-2006 Klinisk lektor i rehabilitering ved Den Sundhedsfaglige Kandidat- og Suppleringsuddannelse

1998-2000 Ekstern lektor på MPH- og Den Sundhedsfaglige Kandidat- og Suppleringsuddannelse, Aarhus Universitet

1998-2000 Ekstern lektor ved Institut for Epidemiologi og Socialmedicin, Aarhus Universitet

1995-2009 Ledende amtssocialoverlæge

1994-1995 Socialoverlæge, Socialmedicinsk klinik, Ungdomscentret, Århus kommune

1993-1996 Lægekonsulent Hørning Kommunes social- og sundhedsforvaltning

1992-1994 Psykiatrisk konsulent, Horsens Statsfængsel

1992-1994 Reservelæge hhv. 1. reservelæge, Socialmedicinsk afdeling, Social- og Sundhedsforvaltningen, Århus Amt

1991-1991 Distriktslæge, Saerna Vårdcentral, Sverige

1991-1992 Reservelæge, Sygehusforvaltningen, Århus Amt

1991-1991 Forskningsstipendiat, Socialmedicinsk Institut, AU

1990-1991 Reservelæge, Kirurgisk afdeling, Kjellerup Sygehus

1990-1990 Forskningsstipendiat, projektleder. Arbejdsmedicinsk afdeling og REVA-Esbjerg

1989-1990 Reservelæge, Lungemedicinsk afdeling B, AKH

1989-1989 1. Reservelæge, Arbejdsmedicinsk ambulatorium, Herning CS, udstationeret fra Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, AKH

1989-1989 Reservelæge, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, AKH

1987-1992 Asfaltindustriens Bedriftssundhedscentre i Danmark

1986-1989 Forskningsstipendiat, projektleder, Socialmedicinsk Institut, AU

1985-1986 Reservelæge, Arbejdsmedicinsk Klinik, AKH

1984-1985 Reservelæge, Psykiatrisk afdeling, Horsens


2012 Professor, Sektion for Klinisk Socialmedicin og Rehabilitering, Institut for Folkesundhed, AU

2006 Klinisk lektor, Sektion for Klinisk Socialmedicin og Rehabilitering, Institut for Folkesundhed, AU

2000 Klinisk lektor, Institut for epidemiologi og socialmedicin, Aarhus Universitet

1998 Ekstern lektor, Socialmedicinsk Institut, Aarhus Universitet

1995 Ph.d. i arbejdsmedicin

1994 Speciallæge i klinisk socialmedicin

1983 Lægevidenskabelig embedseksamen, Århus Universitet