Fine for non-attendance in public hospitals in Denmark: A survey of non-attenders ' reasons and attitudes.

Ulla Væggemose; Emely Ek Blæhr; Anne Marie Ladehoff Thomsen; Viola Burau; Pia Vedel Ankersen; Stina Lou


To investigate non-attending patients' reasons for non-attendance and their general and specific attitudes towards a non-attendance fine.

Data sources

Non-attenders at two hospital departments participating in a trial of fine for non-attendance from May 2015 to January 2017.


A quantitative questionnaire study was conducted among non-attenders.

Data collection

Non-attending patients in the intervention group were invited to complete the questionnaire. The response rate was 39% and the total number of respondents was 71 individuals.

Principal findings

The main reason for non-attendance was technical challenges with the digital appointment and with cancelation. The main part of the respondents was generally positive towards a fine for non-attendance. However, approximately the half had a negative attitude towards the actual fine issued.


Technical challenges with appointments and cancelation should get special attention when addressing non-attendance. Danish non-attending patients are primarily positive towards the general principle of issuing a fine for non-attendance. However, a significant proportion of the generally positive, reported a negative specific attitude to the specific fine issued to them. This, however, did not affect their general attitude.

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Udgivelsesform Videnskabelige artikler
År 2020
Udgiver The International Journal of Health Planning and Management


Stina Lou Emely Ek Blæhr ; Anne Marie Ladehoff Thomsen