Gitte Valentin

Gitte Valentin

Forsker, cand.scient.san.

+45 2427 6188


Jeg har en kandidatgrad i sundhedsvidenskab og en ph.d. i klinisk medicin. I mit arbejde som forsker hos DEFACTUM varetager jeg forskelige forskningsprojekter inden for folkesundhed og sundhedstjenesteforskning samt undervisning og vejledning af kandidatstuderende på Aarhus Universitet. Mine primære interessefelter og kompetencer ligger inden for udvikling og evaluering af komplekse interventioner med fokus på at øge den sociale lighed i sundhed. Metodemæssigt ligger mine kompetencer hovedsageligt inden for systematiske litteraturgennemgange baseret på GRADE-tilgangen, klinisk epidemiologi og komplekse interventioner.


Publikationsliste nedenfor er publikationer udgivet i DEFACTUM regi.

Du kan se en samlet publikationslist for Gitte Valentin i ORCID

DEFACTUM publikationer

Bridging Inequity Gaps in Healthcare Systems While Educating Future Healthcare Professionals—The Social Health Bridge-Building Programme. Gitte Valentin; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Anne-Sofie Meldgaard Nielsen; Merete Tonnesen; Kristina Louise Bliksted; Katrine Tranberg Jensen; Karen Ingerslev; Thomas Maribo; Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023.

Seeing the invisible: extracurricular learning processes and learning outcome as experienced by student volunteers accompanying persons in a socially vulnerable situation to healthcare appointments-an ethnographic study. Merete Tonnesen; Gitte Valentin; Thomas Maribo; Anne-Mette Hedeager Momsen. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2023.

PhD dissertation: Social inequalities in incidence and consequences of fragility fractures. Gitte Valentin. DEFACTUM, 2021.

Socio-economic inequalities in fragility fracture incidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 61 observational studies. G. Valentin; M.B. Ravn; E.K. Jensen; K. Friis; A. Bhimjiyani; Y. Ben-Shlomo; A. Hartley; C.P. Nielsen; B. Langdahl; C.L. Gregson. Osteoporosis International, 2021.

Fragility fractures and health-related quality of life: does socio-economic status widen the gap? A population-based study. Gitte Valentin; Karina Friis; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen; Finn Breinholt Larsen; Bente Lomholt Langdahl. Osteoporosis International, 2020.

Systematisk litteraturgennemgang – Health Technology Assessment – Metodevejledning, vol. 1. Gitte Valentin; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen; Stina Lou; Lotte Groth Jensen; Claus Løvschall. DEFACTUM, 2019.

What is the impact of physicians in prehospital treatment for patients in need of acute critical care? - An overview of reviews. Gitte Valentin; Lotte Groth Jensen. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2019.

Custom-made or customisable 3D printed implants and cutting guides versus non-3D printed standard implants and cutting guides for improving outcome in patients undergoing knee, maxillofacial, or cranial surgery. Lotte Groth Jensen; Claus Løvschall; Anne Marie Ladehoff Thomsen; Gitte Valentin; Bettina Wulff Risør; Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea; Lorea Galnares-Cordero; Gaizka Benguria-Arrate. EUnetHTA, 2019.

Socio-economic inequalities in fragility fracture outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prognostic observational studies. Gitte Valentin; S.E. Pedersen; R. Christensen; Karina Friis; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen; Arti Bhimjiyani; Celia L. Gregson; Bente Lomholt Langdahl. Osteoporosis International, 2019.

Antibakterielt suturmateriale versus ikke-antibakterielt suturmateriale til forebyggelse af abdominal, overfladisk eller dyb postoperativ sårinfektion. DEFACTUM, 2018.

Diagnostik af hjertepatienter i almen praksis. Claus Løvschall; Flemming Witt Udsen; Nete Hornung; Anni Germann Najbjerg; Gitte Valentin; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen. 2018.

Monitorering af hjertesvigt. Morten Deleuran Terkildsen; Gitte Valentin.. 2017.

Betydningen af uddannelsesniveau for effekten af udvalgte dele af den præhospitale indsats – en systematisk litteraturgennemgang. Gitte Valentin; Lotte Groth Jensen. DEFACTUM, 2017.

Medicinsk teknologivurdering af respiratorbehandling i eget hjem. Claus Løvschall; Kathrine Carstensen; Simone Küchen; Michael Sprehn; Ole Nørregaard; Gitte Valentin; Marie Konge Villemoes; Margarete Pfau; Katrine Jeppesen; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen. DEFACTUM, 2017.

Prognostic factors for disability and sick leave in patients with subacute non-malignant pain: a systematic review of cohort studies. Gitte H Valentin; Marc S Pilegaard, Department of Public Health, Research Initiative for Activity Studies and Occupational Therapy, General Practice, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; Henrik B Vaegter, Pain Research Group, Pain Centre South, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Odense, Denmark; Marianne Rosendal, Research Unit for General Practice, Aarhus University, Denmark; Lisbeth Ørtenblad; Ulla Væggemose; Robin Christensen, Musculoskeletal Statistics Unit, Department of Rheumatology, The Parker Institute, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark . BMJ Open, 2016.

Smerter - en MTV om muligheder for tidlig målrettet indsats til smertepatienter. Lisbeth Ørtenblad; Gitte Hoff Valentin; Kathrine Carstensen; Inge Wittrup; Line Stjernholm Tipsmark; Ulla Væggemose; Claus Løvschall; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen;. CFK - Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling, 2014.

Håndholdt dynamometer er reliabelt til måling af muskelstyrke i rygekstensorerne hos kvinder med osteoporose. Gitte Hoff Valentin. Danske Fysioterapeuter, 2014.

Hand-held dynamometry fixated with a tripod is reliable for assessment of back extensor strength in women with osteoporosis. Gitte Valentin; Thomas Maribo. Osteoporos Int. 2014 Aug;25(8):2143-9. , 2014.

Evaluering af Teletolkeprojektet - Implementering af et telemedicinsk redskab på danske hospitaler. Lene Mosegaard Søbjerg; Stina Lou; Gitte Hoff Valentin; Kirstine Brask Brandt. CFK - Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling, 2013.

Wearing an active spinal orthosis improves back extensor strength in women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Gitte Hoff Valentin; Louise Nymann Pedersen; Thomas Maribo. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 2013.