Gitte Valentin
Forsker, cand.scient.san.
+45 2427 6188
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Bridging Inequity Gaps in Healthcare Systems While Educating Future Healthcare Professionals—The Social Health Bridge-Building Programme. Gitte Valentin; Claus Vinther Nielsen; Anne-Sofie Meldgaard Nielsen; Merete Tonnesen; Kristina Louise Bliksted; Katrine Tranberg Jensen; Karen Ingerslev; Thomas Maribo; Lisa Gregersen Oestergaard. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023.
Seeing the invisible: extracurricular learning processes and learning outcome as experienced by student volunteers accompanying persons in a socially vulnerable situation to healthcare appointments-an ethnographic study. Merete Tonnesen; Gitte Valentin; Thomas Maribo; Anne-Mette Hedeager Momsen. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2023.
PhD dissertation: Social inequalities in incidence and consequences of fragility fractures. Gitte Valentin. DEFACTUM, 2021.
Socio-economic inequalities in fragility fracture incidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 61 observational studies. G. Valentin; M.B. Ravn; E.K. Jensen; K. Friis; A. Bhimjiyani; Y. Ben-Shlomo; A. Hartley; C.P. Nielsen; B. Langdahl; C.L. Gregson. Osteoporosis International, 2021.
Fragility fractures and health-related quality of life: does socio-economic status widen the gap? A population-based study. Gitte Valentin; Karina Friis; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen; Finn Breinholt Larsen; Bente Lomholt Langdahl. Osteoporosis International, 2020.
Systematisk litteraturgennemgang – Health Technology Assessment – Metodevejledning, vol. 1. Gitte Valentin; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen; Stina Lou; Lotte Groth Jensen; Claus Løvschall. DEFACTUM, 2019.
What is the impact of physicians in prehospital treatment for patients in need of acute critical care? - An overview of reviews. Gitte Valentin; Lotte Groth Jensen. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2019.
Custom-made or customisable 3D printed implants and cutting guides versus non-3D printed standard implants and cutting guides for improving outcome in patients undergoing knee, maxillofacial, or cranial surgery. Lotte Groth Jensen; Claus Løvschall; Anne Marie Ladehoff Thomsen; Gitte Valentin; Bettina Wulff Risør; Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea; Lorea Galnares-Cordero; Gaizka Benguria-Arrate. EUnetHTA, 2019.
Socio-economic inequalities in fragility fracture outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prognostic observational studies. Gitte Valentin; S.E. Pedersen; R. Christensen; Karina Friis; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen; Arti Bhimjiyani; Celia L. Gregson; Bente Lomholt Langdahl. Osteoporosis International, 2019.
Diagnostik af hjertepatienter i almen praksis. Claus Løvschall; Flemming Witt Udsen; Nete Hornung; Anni Germann Najbjerg; Gitte Valentin; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen. 2018.
Monitorering af hjertesvigt. Morten Deleuran Terkildsen; Gitte Valentin.. 2017.
Betydningen af uddannelsesniveau for effekten af udvalgte dele af den præhospitale indsats – en systematisk litteraturgennemgang. Gitte Valentin; Lotte Groth Jensen. DEFACTUM, 2017.
Medicinsk teknologivurdering af respiratorbehandling i eget hjem. Claus Løvschall; Kathrine Carstensen; Simone Küchen; Michael Sprehn; Ole Nørregaard; Gitte Valentin; Marie Konge Villemoes; Margarete Pfau; Katrine Jeppesen; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen. DEFACTUM, 2017.
Prognostic factors for disability and sick leave in patients with subacute non-malignant pain: a systematic review of cohort studies. Gitte H Valentin; Marc S Pilegaard, Department of Public Health, Research Initiative for Activity Studies and Occupational Therapy, General Practice, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; Henrik B Vaegter, Pain Research Group, Pain Centre South, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Odense, Denmark; Marianne Rosendal, Research Unit for General Practice, Aarhus University, Denmark; Lisbeth Ørtenblad; Ulla Væggemose; Robin Christensen, Musculoskeletal Statistics Unit, Department of Rheumatology, The Parker Institute, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark . BMJ Open, 2016.
Smerter - en MTV om muligheder for tidlig målrettet indsats til smertepatienter. Lisbeth Ørtenblad; Gitte Hoff Valentin; Kathrine Carstensen; Inge Wittrup; Line Stjernholm Tipsmark; Ulla Væggemose; Claus Løvschall; Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen;. CFK - Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling, 2014.
Håndholdt dynamometer er reliabelt til måling af muskelstyrke i rygekstensorerne hos kvinder med osteoporose. Gitte Hoff Valentin. Danske Fysioterapeuter, 2014.
Hand-held dynamometry fixated with a tripod is reliable for assessment of back extensor strength in women with osteoporosis. Gitte Valentin; Thomas Maribo. Osteoporos Int. 2014 Aug;25(8):2143-9. , 2014.
Evaluering af Teletolkeprojektet - Implementering af et telemedicinsk redskab på danske hospitaler. Lene Mosegaard Søbjerg; Stina Lou; Gitte Hoff Valentin; Kirstine Brask Brandt. CFK - Folkesundhed og Kvalitetsudvikling, 2013.
Wearing an active spinal orthosis improves back extensor strength in women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Gitte Hoff Valentin; Louise Nymann Pedersen; Thomas Maribo. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 2013.
- Ph.d.-projekt om forebyggelse af knoglebrud blandt ældre - med fokus på social ulighed 2021
- The use of 3D printing for implants and splints in connection with surgery 2020
- Forsøg med ambulante akutteams i den regionale psykiatri 2018
- Diagnostik af hjertepatienter i almen praksis 2017
- MTV af respiratorbehandling i eget hjem 2017