Reducing loneliness in the community. More Together (‘Flere i Fællesskaber’)—a complex intervention in Denmark

Mathias Lasgaard; Anne Friis Bo; Lise Arnth Nielsen; Christine E. Swane; Pamela Qualter; Julie Christiansen


The mounting evidence that loneliness is a determinant of poor health and well-being underpins the need for effective interventions and community action. ‘More Together’ (MoTo) is a large-scale, complex, multi-component and multi-level intervention for community change that addresses loneliness among young people and older adults in Silkeborg Municipality, Denmark. The intervention is inspired by the Collective Impact framework, and it is practice driven and rooted in an extensive cross-sector partnership.

This article outlines (i) the organization of the cross-sector partnership, (ii) the structure of the intervention programme, (iii) the key components and activities of the programme and, finally, (iv) the intervention setting and target population. MoTo aims to create new ways to develop, implement and evaluate loneliness interventions. Experiences gained from MoTo hold the potential to transform our understanding of loneliness interventions and may inform and guide future interventions.

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Reducing loneliness in the community. More Together (‘Flere i Fællesskaber’)—a complex intervention in Denmark

Udgivelsesform Videnskabelige artikler
År 2023
Udgiver Health Promotion International